Forum Discussion

SnakesssOnAPlan's avatar
5 years ago

MΔWlmost WORLD’S FIRST: Ship Slip Choke City!

Congrats on #2...AGAIN, MAW 1.5! Excellent war, and way to step it up in fleet (save for the end).

22 Replies

  • But seriously speaking... it's both for fun and because we legit have the bragging rights. Not that bragging in and of itself is really worth anything, but the battle we just had was top notch and the closest battle I remember having with the MAW folks. Hats of to them for MAWlmost pulling it off! No, but really. It was a great match and tons of respect on both sides, despite the very public ribbing :smiley:
  • Let's burn down MΔW so this never happens again