I've been slowly grooming a Lobot droid team and IG-100 might work as a sub against a very Jedi heavy opponent but I don't see him being a mainstay on my squad.
Running Lobot gives +23 leadership speed bonus but even with that, MG is too slow. I'm aiming at Lobot (L), 88, 86, HK and either Poggle or Poe In 5th.
MG subbed for Poggle / Poe would give Lobot an extra 5.5% speed and a couple tenacity boost and increase the odds of a droid assist for 86 but without either Poe as meat shield or stacking Poggle speed buff and offense up, I don't see the droids as viable and I'm loth to give up the +23 speed and 10% potency plus the debuff cleanse of Lobot.
Haven't looked at how MG might work in an HK led droid squad though, perhaps the extra turn meter on any crit from the AoE might help, not sure.
What would be really useful is a droid healer / attacker on par with Lumi (R2-D2 maybe? Gonk droid? Lol)