Forum Discussion

hsof777's avatar
9 years ago

Making Nightsisters viable

As a mtg tribal fanatic i found myself drawn to the nightsisters team pretty early on. What I found though after its completion was rather disappointing. Here's my opinion and break down, if you want to read it, on the nightsister's team and potential fixes to make them viable without making them break the game. (PS i will not be going into stats on this because I do not know enough about them. This will solely be based on their abilities)

First is an honorable mention

As a leader shes pretty good giving turn meter on dodge and extra healing to the team. But as a dodge leader I think Talia would be better.

lets start with the non-leader sisters

Nightsister Acolyte
Honestly I think that shes a fine character. I love her healing for a fifth of her health every crit. Shes amazing when she kills someone with sacrificial magicks, cleanses the whole team, and then heals a butt ton of health back.

Nightsister Initiate
The only think I think needs to be addressed with this toon is her their ability, severing strike. This ability only has a 75% chance to render the target immune to positive effects. Please remember that's BEFORE tenacity. I think this ability really needs to be at a 100% proc rate before tenacity.

Old Daka (because she is NOT a leader)
Her leader ability is useless. Other than that small (coughHUGEcough) blemish, she is a beast..... when she on the enemies team. Just seems like she doesn't want to revive people or stun people when I'm using her but that's nothing against her hit. With Asajj as a leader shes as fast as Rey and Leia in the speed department, before mods. This makes her into a stunning monster. There's nothing i can say but praises for this old broad.

The first of the two potential leaders for a nightsisters team. Talia's leader ability pisses me off. Of all the dodge leaders in the game shes the ONLY ONE WHO DOESN'T HAVE A GUARANTEED BONUS ON DODGE! While yes she is tied for third for best dodge leader in the game, her secondary only gives a 50% chance to return 5% of the dodgers life back. I personally think they really need to just make this a 100% chance on dodge to gain back life and she will be a whole lot better.
Other than that the only change I would recommend would be giving her harrowing assault an extra stack of damage over time upon max level, because the I've had the first stack be resisted a lot and maybe with two triggers one will actually stick.

Finally Asajj Ventress

She's the one I personally use as my leader. Being tied for the highest speed boosting leader in the game gives her team a huge advantage. The sad part is that, once again, the secondary passive on her leader ability is garbage. She gives her allies a 25% chance to remove 10% turn meter on hit BEFORE tenacity. This seems okay until you realize that Jinn has a 65% chance to remove 30% turn meter on his basic. Even better is Chewie and Ewok scout have 55% chance to remove 50% turn meter on hit. I think this can be fixed one of two ways.

Either she grants 100% chance to remove 10% turn meter
She gives 25% chance to remove something like 30% or more turn meter on hit.

As of right now it's too small of a chance to remove a negligible amount of turn meter.

Other than that I like Asajj and i wouldn't change anything else on her kit.

So what do you guys think? Do you think this would be enough to make the night sisters viable? Do you think anything else should be changed? Did you even read what I wrote? Do you think anyone from EA will read what I wrote? Do you think they'll even care?
  • "hsof777;633684" wrote:
    I dont think a rework is necessary. just small buffs here and there

    Ventress just needs a buff to be useful. Like 40-50 points of speed. She has ok abilities, but being slow, AND having low health, AND having low potency, AND having just average damage is too much to fix with mods.

    Daka is perfect.

    The rest of the Nightsisters need:

    A. A total rework because they're useless trash.

    B. A leader who gives such a massive boost to Nightsisters that she (Mother Talzin hopefully) single handedly makes the whole team a threat. (Cuz right now they're trash)

    Also Savage absolutely should benefit from Nightsister leader abilities. They hand picked him. They trained him. He fought with Ventress. He obeyed Mother Talzin. It's really silly he doesn't already.

    Ventress was one of my favorites from CW too. She and her sisters deserve better.

  • "hsof777;633684" wrote:
    I dont think a rework is necessary. just small buffs here and there

    they need a rework. there's nothing that nightsisters do that's really unique from other factions. you want the different factions to stand out and to work well together. if you remove A and B from a nightsister team, the team still functions with random replacements. you want some sort of dependency and risk/reward for using them. and right now, there is no reward.

    the operative word is unique, and there should be unique synergy between any designated faction that makes it stand out. in any game (video, TCG etc), developers try to make players feel smart by giving them combos that work well and then having the players figure the combos out. sometimes they are very obvious and easy, othertimes, not so much. there isnt a single nightsister currently that cannot be replaced with another non-nightsister that brings equal or more benefit to the comp. and when you make a nightsister team, and you can honestly have 10 better options per character slot than the existing nightsisters, it says there's no synergy and yes, they need a rework.

    the power creep in this game is real. look at some of the older, unbuffed heroes, and look at the new ones. you can see the power creep not only by the actual numbers that are put out, but by the wall of text on the new unique abilities. basics that are just supposed to be fillers, now rip buffs (sun fac), give turn meter (palp), call assists (dengar). unique abilities have multiple stages to them, and specials have multiple condition effects.

    nightsisters have very basic ablities. they need a unifier (aka palp, ackbar, HK etc) and then they need each of their kits reworked to match present day standards. however the gaming cycle is vicious, by the time NS get buffed, 3 weeks later they will be outdated again.
  • @hsof777 don't necro a 3 month old thread. If you want to have this discussion again, do it with a new thread.