Forum Discussion

argofett00's avatar
9 years ago

Mandalorians at last! "Clone Wars spoiler alert"

After Jedi Knight Luke Skywalker, Mandalorians are pretty sought after in this game, I know by me for sure. But are there enough characters to form a squad? Oh Yes!

After a lot of research & double checking Star Wars "canon" I've finally formed a list of characters to create a "true" Mandalorian squad. FYI according to George Lucas, Jango Fett is not a "true" Mandalorian(so neither is Boba Fett) & so Jango isn't included on this list although I wish he could be. Nevertheless, Jango Fett no matter his true origins is in Mandalorian armor & I name him as a scoundrel we all would love to own. Anyway, not in any particular order...

1) Pre Vizsla- True Mandalorian leader with a Dark Saber. Their very best warrior.
2) Bo-Katan- 2nd in command, Mandalorian leader of the female Nite Owls.
3) Gar Saxon- Mandalorian super commando with horns on Helmut.
4) Sabine Wren- Mandalorian female warrior from Clan Wren. Exotic colored armor.
5) Mandalorian Super Commando- Their standard warrior & armored flying soldier.

Others of note...
Mandalorian Guards- carry shields & blasters & batons.
Mandalorian Royal Guards- carrry Electro Poles, wear unique armor diff than police.
Mandalorian Police- carry Shields & blasters & batons.
Mandalorian Secret Service- Advanced police armor. Same equipment as police & guard

These are all the warriors and soldiers of Mandalore. Recognize them all? They all can be found in the Star Wars animated shows: The Clone Wars & Rebels. Got a favorite? Did I miss someone? Cast your vote as to how badly(or not) you'd like to have them on your squad. My vote is yes to all! Yours...?