Forum Discussion

ARC-CaptainRex's avatar
6 years ago

Marquee Replacement

I'm not a huge fan of marquees. They're way better than before (Aurodium), however, all these marquee's have grown kinda stale.
Now, I'm not a fan of complaining about a problem unless I propose a viable solution to said problem, hence this post.
Thoughts? Maybe we'll come up with something the devs can use.
Personally, I was a fan of the way Wicket and Talzin were released, just not the 2 year 7* model.
  • "2smooth;c-1696744" wrote:
    Replace with credit heist

    Yo! That’s a great idea.

    5 7* credit heists would be required for the next hero’s journey character.
  • "scuba;c-1699042" wrote:
    "Ultra;c-1698887" wrote:
    "Zaraos;c-1698882" wrote:
    The reason people don't like marques is because of how their incorporated into TB. If they just removed characters from platoons that were not farmable (Especially ships) I think a good majority of the people who don't like marques would change their minds
    No. That's not why people are complaining its the length of time from the start of marquee until you can get that character to 7 stars

    which is kinda funny considering before marquee and release cadanece the time to 7* was crazy and before marquee it was unknown when they were going to be obtainable any where outside of chromium.

    new characters are going to be in platoons immediately. they have not show any letting up on this. personally I don't care about platoons, think they are dumb any way, however they have are going to have pay walls somewhere and since every marquee is not game breaking arena worthy they have to look somewhere.

    Oh yeah, marquees are way better than before, but years of them have left them...boring :sleeping:
  • My issue is not with the event's themselves and the time frame for the release of new character content. I like to see the setting the they put the characters in and what NPC's they bring with them. I have enjoyed the Sith troopers from KOTOR.

    My issue stems from where they are placed after the event. I was not pleased when they said they will no longer add the stores asides from shipments, because they wanted them all to be shard shop currency. The hard node and high energy cantina nodes are not a best fit for all characters. I feel it worked for the better characters that were released like Nihilus and Nest for example. It does not work for characters like Mission Vao and Range Trooper I feel the time investment for those characters (alone, not including use towards Revan) is not worth the effort because they have a very limited niche in the game.
  • While I think that the game is doing a really nice job with character mechanics and art work in recent months, the game modes have become incredible stale. I would like new game modes that awards character shards.

    I think that an individual raid would be fun. It could have multiple tiers of difficult that rewards more shards the more difficult the tier. Think if they would have done that for Revan? Four phases that follows the the KOTRO storyline could have been a nice raid.

    TWs have become tedious because of Bastila and Revan and others. TBs have become a grind. Omega battles are a joke. Quests were poorly executed and pretty much pointless. The list goes on and on. Something new and creative (and fun!!!) that doesn't rely on the guild for rewards as a way to earn shards for new characters would be great.
  • Marquee are fine with me, but I'd like a more fixed timeline and guaranteed hard node drops.
    Release Marquee. In exactly 6 weeks (with an in-game countdown timer) the character becomes farmable. If the character is in a hard node, guarantee 100% drop rate.
  • Whatever happened to the Tournaments, like for Jynn/Shoretrooper/Bistan, or however we unlocked Scarif Rebel Trooper originally? Those were interesting, like a mini arena (and gave reason for having ally points) and gave people insentive to keep playing to get more shards/rewards. Some slight tweaking to that formula could very easily work, like giving gear pieces to gear up the character or omega/zeta mats etc
  • "CaptainRex;d-187579" wrote:
    I'm not a huge fan of marquees. They're way better than before (Aurodium), however, all these marquee's have grown kinda stale.
    Now, I'm not a fan of complaining about a problem unless I propose a viable solution to said problem, hence this post.
    Thoughts? Maybe we'll come up with something the devs can use.
    Personally, I was a fan of the way Wicket and Talzin were released, just not the 2 year 7* model.

    The real question should be - is there any other way to release a freemium toon and make it possible for f2p to get it to 7* faster than it is now?

    Not likely to happen since it doesnt earn them anything. The current model is fine imo. Would i be happier if i could get a 7* toon for free at a faster rate? Sure, but i highly doubt it will happen. Maybe let the 30 shard pack be purchase-able twice or something - gives dolphins a better chance at a faster 7* and earns ea some revenue.