Forum Discussion

  • "Jonbacca;d-260605" wrote:
    Is this new? Seems arbitrary.

    It is not Arbitrary. There is a good chance if you went over that value you'd end up with 0 Credits again.,147,483,647
  • "Enigmatic_Potato;c-2396645" wrote:
    "Jonbacca;d-260605" wrote:
    Is this new? Seems arbitrary.

    It is not Arbitrary. There is a good chance if you went over that value you'd end up with 0 Credits again.,147,483,647

    Well, at least then they have space again to start saving again ?

    But on a more serious note OP, slicing and buying mods might help you not to reach the max and also to accumulate good/better mods.
  • Stored data in a 32 bit variable. One bit holds the sign, the rest (2^31) hold the number. Gives a variable with an integer range of -2,147,483,648 to 2,147,483,647.
  • "yolkywareagle;c-2397681" wrote:
    Why such a random number?

    If only someone posted a link that explained it all for you.
  • "Jonbacca;d-260605" wrote:
    Is this new? Seems arbitrary.

    Guess I can’t start working on my mods quite yet I need 1 billion more credits