Forum Discussion

Yak-Yak2005's avatar
7 years ago

Minimum Gear for Yoda Event

So I noticed that the Yoda event is in 3 days and I have 5 7* Jedi. After the rework I don’t know how difficult he is. What gear will I need? I have:

-Old Ben
-Eeth Koth
-Mace Windu
-Qui Gon Jinn

Also who is the best leader?

5 Replies

  • JoryG87's avatar
    Rising Newcomer
    7 years ago
    Gear 8-9 should be enough if you have decent mods on them.

    QGJ is best leader of the ones you have
  • This is going to get moved to the Yoda Events forum before long, that's the right place to go to ask these kinds of questions. Here's a link, these kind of questions get answered all the time there so you might be able to find a good answer already:
  • G8 could be enough (even some at G7) with many tries looking for good RNG, since OB is a good tank u can put G9 or more on him.

    QGJ seems good as lider on paper, try it first time and if u see u cant do it with him just swich to OB for the dodge thing and do many tries looking for good dodge rng

    Try to run eeth as low as u can since hes useless as well as lumi (shes a bit better but not too much). Dont gear those more than G7 by the moment, just try to get the gear ready and if u see u cant get it with that low gear put it into them and get him!