Forum Discussion

craiglangy's avatar
5 years ago

Missing Ships in GAC

Several ships are missing in GAC. Specifically, my strongest ship is missing, and every eighth ship thereafter is also missing. There’s a gap where the ship should be and I can’t select it. Kind of annoying when you’re unable to use your strongest ship in the one battle available.
  • Try filtering first, that doesn't work restarting the app usually makes them show.
  • Close the app and restart/reload when you encounter blanks. As with all things, the hard reboot is still your #1 tech support option.

  • In this pic, for example, the missing ship if the Falcon. It can’t be selected so it’s unavailable for battle.
  • I saw the same thing. Did you try filtering (e.g. select Rebels) to see if it shows up? I'm not sure if I just wasnt seeing it or if it was missing; but I got tired of looking for phantom so I filtered and it was there.
  • Filtering changes the missing ships in a way I can’t quite figure out. A restart might be in order.
  • Alternative work-around:
    Long press one of the ships in the list to see its stats. Press return.
  • Another workaround I got to work was to favorite the missing ships. I moved the empty spot to 2, but was able to select the correct fleet.
  • In the end, I found that searching for individual ships by name worked. Tags didn’t necessarily help.