Forum Discussion

spiffy4433's avatar
7 years ago

Mk5 Stun Gun... why

Now correct me if I'm wrong but the only place to get shards for stun gun is a few hard nodes, raids, guild event shop, and shard shop.

Shard shop needs to double in size I think, so more gear can be offered with each shop reset.

GE Shop has many other needs for its currency, G12 gear and yoda/wampa shards.

Hard nodes are 1-3 salvage a day.

Raids can drop salvage, T5 Pit ca drop a complete prototype, I didn't check HAAT or STR to see what tier drops mk5 stun gun parts.

This is the biggest speed bump, why do CG code it so everyone hits the same stopping point? Can they not balance gear better so you dont need to choice which of 40 toons to give 1 gear piece to.. a piece that takes a week to get.
  • They are in regular nodes as well I believe they are 10 energy nodes but they are there. Also only on the dark side if I'm not mistaken
  • There’s been a reduction in them appearing for me and the drop rate for them is awful vs energy spend. I definitely believe that the game somehow hard coded to know that you require certain gear, especially when full versions frequently appear available for crystal purchase but the freebies are nowhere to be seen!

    Coincidence? I think not.
  • "Versatti;c-1550019" wrote:
    There’s been a reduction in them appearing for me and the drop rate for them is awful vs energy spend. I definitely believe that the game somehow hard coded to know that you require certain gear, especially when full versions frequently appear available for crystal purchase but the freebies are nowhere to be seen!

    Coincidence? I think not.

    I have a tinfoil hat you can borrow if you like...

    There is no global conspiracy. When you really, really want something and don't get it you convince yourself of several things:

    1) Someone is actively denying me what I desire.
    2) Since I want it hard enough it should appear.
    3) When I don't get what I want for free, I take notice of what is not free more.

    Only the last one truly matters in response to disappointment and it's called confirmation bias. If you buy into the other two, might be time to find a new hobby or game.
  • Best quote ever.. "Luck is random chance taken personally"

    I don't subscribe to the tinfoil hat theories, but I do believe that MK5 stun gun salvage needs to be added to the guild store rotation, and shard store size needs to be doubled so more gear can appear more regularly