Forum Discussion

coolnessda's avatar
Rising Novice
3 months ago

Why is executor still a locked event?

So I just finished all the requirements to participate in the executor ship event only to find out the event is unavailable? What gives? The ship has been out for way too long now for it to be a time sensitive event anymore and with 2 newer capital ships that have been out for a bit as well this doesn't make any sense.

5 Replies

  • Its same for all cap ships, they all come around in rotation. Its always been like that

  • CaptainAhen's avatar
    Rising Adventurer
    3 months ago

    It has, but it would be nice to make them permanent after awhile, similar to journeys. With so few fleet options available, some without even a full lineup, it would be nice to at least be able to not wait 25 months to 7 star a cap ship. I know it's less time when using crystals, but with how tough some of the battles are it's hard to justify spending crystals to speed it up in the chance that you may not win before the day is over, causing you to wait another month. 

  • I think that for the GL ships, the event should be permanently available after 12 months to unlock it at 4 stars, but the monthly events should stay as they are.

  • Tenebrae-3626's avatar
    New Ace
    3 months ago

    Agree. I have all 3 ships and I still think it's ridiculous that the unlock events are still monthly and not permanent. Just look at Executor, for example. It's 3 years old at this point.