Forum Discussion

LeoRavus's avatar
8 years ago

Mod packs and tournaments

Are mod packs only available when there's a tournament? If so any word on when the next tournament will be?

I've never bought a pack but hear it's the best way to speed up your team. Can people post their best mods from packs ITT?
  • I believe the bets mods you see on players are from the packs. The mods from challenges do not seem to be that high a quality (gold- 5 dot) . Typically the drop rate of a mod from challenges is very low, on top of it , the drop rate of certain shapes is lower than others, then factor in the color of the mod and the number of dots (you can get 3-5 dot). This is all before you count what primary and secondary abilities are present in the mod.

    From the mod packs the drop rate is about equal for all shapes and types, the mods are 3-5 star but always colored (so multiple secondaries have a chance at upgrade). You can get 5-8 mods for 499 crystals compared to 1-2k crystals from mod shipment.
  • If going without mod packs means no more tournaments then I consider it a small price to pay lol