Forum Discussion

WalkngCatstroph's avatar
7 months ago

Mod; please Delete

@Ultra please delete this thread
  • If you're facing someone with that GP, either they aren't that good, or you're really good at GAC, maybe both. I've beaten players with way more GP than me and been beaten by players with far less GP.

    "It ain't over til it's over."
  • "Rius;c-2458324" wrote:
    This has to be the largest OP GP I have seen complain about this. And I am wondering if this is the first time this has happened to you?

    MM has not been ‘fair’ since they changed the system, I am 7M (2GL) my last opponent was 10M (6 GL) and frustratingly scrapped a few more banners with their gross advantage. However, I am generally the smallest roster in my category so I am used to the ‘how bad is it this time’ for each match.

    Unless you are a maxed roster you are vulnerable to this type of MM. I would say it works as intended as it rewards those with more developed accounts with ‘easier’ wins by matchmaking them with lower quality or less developed. It makes them feel like they are good at the game until they lose and claim you are cheating ?.

    There are some things in your post that are wrong.

    MM is A LOT more fair than it was before they changed it - that's a fact. Your declaration of "MM has not been fair since they changed..." is just plain incorrect.

    The MM doesn't "reward" anyone with an easier win by pairing them with lower quality or less developed rosters - your post actually proves the exact opposite: you haven't been getting 10 mil opponents by losing, you've been getting them because you're winning!!

    "It makes them feel like they are good at the game until they lose and claim you are cheating" - just please stop, this is simply trolling.
  • riklass's avatar
    Seasoned Rookie
    seems pretty fair to me, two large accounts playing each other. 8 GL's a piece.
  • If CG just choose more adequate naming instead of "skill" rating (like plain and simple "GA rating") there were much less questions.
  • I went 3-0 last round when I was second lowest GP in the 8. Second lowest again this round but I can see it will be tougher match-ups. But in both cases I’m more interested in the lowest GP of the 8 - how did they get there, what tools do they have in their toolkit to offset the GP disadvantage?
  • "Rius;c-2458324" wrote:
    This has to be the largest OP GP I have seen complain about this. And I am wondering if this is the first time this has happened to you?

    MM has not been ‘fair’ since they changed the system, I am 7M (2GL) my last opponent was 10M (6 GL) and frustratingly scrapped a few more banners with their gross advantage. However, I am generally the smallest roster in my category so I am used to the ‘how bad is it this time’ for each match.

    Unless you are a maxed roster you are vulnerable to this type of MM. I would say it works as intended as it rewards those with more developed accounts with ‘easier’ wins by matchmaking them with lower quality or less developed. It makes them feel like they are good at the game until they lose and claim you are cheating ?.

    If you care more about wins than rewards, yes.
  • Knewonce's avatar
    Seasoned Novice
    This looks completely fair to me. It’s not an unusual matchup in K1, you’ve both got more than enough to full clear one another and this is definitely a matchup you can win by out playing them.