respectfully totally disagree for a number of reasons.
- just gear, lvl, character choice and ability level aren't enough of a difference between teams in arena. Without mods everyone could beat everyone. Mods are needed to have a team that performs significantly better than your leaderboard peers.
- It takes alot of effort to get good mods. You'll need to farm certain factions to unlock all the mod challenges. You still have to make a choice where you spent your cantina energy, mod challenges or character shards. This requires a bit of planning and gives an oppertunity to make "better" choices than your peers. Usually this still isn't enough to have great mods on your 5 arena characters. Always having a spare couple million of credits on hand to buy mods from the modstore when/if they show up most certainly helps. All these things are influenced by the player's choices. Sure, you'll still need luck. But generally speaking you'll end up with better mods if you focus on them completely than if you just ignore them for the most part.
- Skill is virtually non-existent in this game imo. The game requires planning and resourcemanagement more than anything. (see the previous point) However, you could use your mods right and wrong, it's not rocket sience or anything, but chosing the right mod type, primary and most important secondaries does significantly impact your arena performance.
- Without mods every arena match will be decided by RNG aswell, a toss up wich TFP (or whatever toons is the fastest) goes first. Players will have zero influence on who goes first. With mods you atleast have some influence, wich makes it less RNG dependent, wich makes it better according to your own reasoning (and mine).