Forum Discussion

goodgil282's avatar
7 years ago

My problem with the Nightsisters

The way I see it, there are 2 problems with the Nightsisters the way they are now, and those need to be addressed in some way.
The 1st problem is in the farming method for spirit and zombie. I don't mind the fact that they are event only - that's the way Talzin and Wicket work as well, and it's a fun new concept with potential. No, the problem is that we don't get to focus. If I want any other toon, I can focus on it, if by saving the appropriate currency, making sure that I spend my energy on the specific node, or farming other toons to complete the event. However, if I want spirit or zombie, I need to roll the dice and see which of them I get. There's no way to be sure that I get the toon I want. In fact, if I want them both, there could be a situation which one is 7*, yet I still get more shards before I get the other. One solution I can think of is changing the event so that one tier rewards spirit, and the other one rewards zombie - that should be enough ability to focus without making significant changes to the game.
The 2nd problem is regarding the way zombie works in a Nightsister team. After the reworks, the Nightsisters get stronger with every death & revive. With zombie's kit, the revives can't be prevented, which means that you want zombie to die and get revived a lot, which means you want her to have low health. This means that a low-geared and low-stared zombie will be better than a maxed one. When the New Hope reworks came out, one of the reasons for Old Ben's rework was because he worked better when weaker, and the devs said that's not something that they want. I don't have an easy solution for this, but I do think this needs to be addressed.
  • I agree with the 1st problem.
    The 2nd problem isn't a problem imo, that's just the beauty of the NS team.
  • "leef;c-1397199" wrote:
    I agree with the 1st problem.
    The 2nd problem isn't a problem imo, that's just the beauty of the NS team.

    It's a problem if it hurts the game... Maybe a solution is that she always revives with 0% tm or with Buff Immunity for 1 turn, so that you can get around the taunt without destroying the Nightsister synergy.
  • I don't think it hurts the game though, so i don't consider it a problem.
  • The problem is that that you can't go back once you've geared/starred characters, and you can't have duplicates so you could create a new one. Having a character working better when weak is not a bad mechanic if everyone has the opportunity to make it weak.
  • Regarding gearing up Zombie, it's worth noting that she does get additional Speed at Gear 11 - and you want this girl moving as fast as possible so that may be considered useful.
    You can mitigate her health by equipping weaker mods - 3 pip mods with high Speed values and secondary stats such as Offence / Offence% / Potency / Critical Chance / Critical Damage etc... avoiding defensive stats.
  • I run a full NS team with zTalzin (L), zAsajj, zDakka, ghost & zombie. Zombie is a good toon - and IMO other standard toons like regular stormtroopers should have the same revive ability. They're an annoyance to deal with, sure, but strategy makes zombie a non-issue. I have her at 4* (because not a whale) and g9 or 10 I think. Great annoyance (like K2SO) but she can't really hurt you unless she feeds and spreads plague. So even if someone is running a talzin lead, when zombie hits and revives another team mate to help, chances are real high that the team mate isn't getting full revival.
  • What i would like to see added to nightsisters, is for one of them to give the whole team a buff, only initiate does that but it does not last long (enough) and it has a fairly long cooldown in my opinion. The reason i would like to see that change, is because the nightsisters (even without the new nightsisters) could be good to use in phase 3 HAAT, but the team dies quickly, either because initiate's buff goes away before the canon gets it's turn, or initiate's ability is still on cooldown. (It does not matter how fast or slow initiate is).

    With that old daka gets targeted right away, so no means to revive the other nightsisters. (I know use talzin zeta leader or group assist attack to to that, by targeting a b1 droid killing it and reviving fallen nightsisters, but it will be a year or more before anyone has talzin to 7 stars).
  • Those aren’t issues. The real issue is with this game giving AI the advantage 95% of the time. Of course some say you get bad RNG but bad RNG almost 100% of the time is not RNG. Current issue with NS vs other NS is that the enemy talzin will gain 50%TM as well as you do, and will go before you even if they are slower: This happened for 3-5 battles a day since 12/12/17 since I’ve been using NS. Also, I’ve been noticing Daka resurrects Talzin and immediately uses Dark Magick.