Forum Discussion

jayjonbeach's avatar
7 years ago

Mythic event reward NERF - Mod downgrade & the laughable excuse for it

First they make the excuse that the description is not clear, like I am sure lots of people were complaining, lol, not, then they remove the mods completely, so when they put back garbage, the garbage doesn't seem as bad because it is better than nothing. I mean come on, is anyone really "buying" this, why don't they just call it a nerf

As the mod is the least significant component of the rewards - NOT, complete opposite and they know dam well, a good mod is worth 4 million, according to their store....

It is unfortunately difficult to change how first time rewards are displayed in this area - HAH! BS! You are not fooling anyone with that, you don't even have to be a coder to know how ludicrous that sounds, even if it was a little tricky it is just such a poor excuse for what is really a nerf

changing only the first time rewards for Mythic tier events to a Golden Defense Data-Bus (the circle) and a Golden Critical Damage Data-Bus instead of 2 randomly shaped mods. - This is a NERF, plain and simple. Data-bus mods are the least needed, and defense mods are the WORST currently, maybe they will improve, maybe they will still be the worst, no one wants this garbage at any rate and no one uses them.

Players should receive only 2 of one type of mod from the possible list of mods and not all of the mods that were displayed as rewards for completing the Mythic - How does changing the type of mod, solve the so-called "problem" that someone will only get 2 mods instead of all the listed possibilities? Oh right, it doesn't! lol, come on, how ridiculous, no one is buying any of this.

People used to get Speed Arrows with speed primary and sometimes even having a speed secondary, and then other speed mods, crit chance with speed on it, etc, this is a NERF through and through. At the VERY least, they should have AT LEAST made it a health mod not a defense mod which no one will use! At least health mods are somewhat useful, defense are not, and they KNOW it, they admitted it in the "road ahead!" That is a slap in the face AFAIAC.

Very disappointed in this decision and the pathetic reasoning for it. They are hoping this will be all forgotten I'm sure, and will just fade away with minimum complaining. We'll I'm not forgetting, EP & GAT events coming soon and the BEST rewards from it and no longer possible.