7 years ago
New Capital Ships?
The last TW has highlighted this issue and would like to know if more capital ships are coming soon. Those with a full roster of ships cannot fully utilize their fleets because of the limited numb...
"HK22;c-1620585" wrote:
There are several different options for capital ships that people have been posting over the years.
Nute Gunray - Lucrehulk Battleship
General Grevious - Invisible Hand
General Hux - Resurgent Star Destroyer
Admiral Ackbar/General Leia/Admiral Holdo - Raddus
Admiral Piett - SSD Executor
General Antilles - SSD Luskayana
Since we have two ISD's in the game, we could also do this one for kicks and giggles.
General Kenobi - Negotiator (Venator)