9 years ago
New credit heist !!
https://www.reddit.com/r/SWGalaxyOfHeroes/comments/50cuas/credit_heist_and_you_week_of_829/ I've said this in another thread but it bears repeating in a move visible way. Here is what you will all...
I've said this in another thread but it bears repeating in a move visible way. Here is what you will all see this week with the Heist:
•Today, (30 August) the "Old" Heist is running. Absolutely feel free to participate. It is running for 15hr on your local time, starting at 7AM.
•If all goes according to plan, we will push a content update today (30 Aug).
•Starting tomorrow (31 Aug) at 11:00UTC the "new" Credit Heist will start, as will Droid Smuggling it's sister event. They will run for 24 hours, then, run again for another 24 hours. (48 hours in total.)
This means that is all goes according to plan (fingers crossed) you will all get three Heists this week.
It is very important to note that the replay schema between old and new is changing. In the "old" Heist, you can play each tier twice (4 total plays). However in the "new" one, plays are shared across all tiers. I can't stress this enough. Pay attention with the new Heist. The rewards went way, way up. So play the higher tiers if you can!