Forum Discussion

Ecrilthir1253's avatar
Rising Newcomer
4 years ago

New Raid Idea (Mando S2 Spoliers)

I thought of a cool Raid Idea, for the game, with the difficulty a little more than the Sith Raid, but waker than the New Rancor, for those guilds who are in that area...

So it would basically be a raid on the Krayt Dragon from the Mandalorian TV show, and the reward would be Boba-Fett (Old Man) shards, or whatever you'd want to call him,

You could have it so that lower tears reward Tusken Shards, for the ones we have and potentially new ones too and then the hardest rewards the Boba shards. While also having Galactic Legends dealing 50% less damage or so, to ensure that people try different stratagies, while say Tusken's and Scoundrels deal 50% more.

Phase one for the raid would be battling a group of Tusken Raiders, simular to the Gamoran Guard battle in the Rancor Raid. there sould be a group of them, who would slowly brown in power as they take more turns, before hitting the enraged stage and then one shoting the entire party.

Phase two: Battling outside the cave with the head under the sand, as it moves about and does mass AOE attacks and strikes party members. it could have some vulranbility, which is revealed when say Beskar Mando or Tusken Character is present, such as shooting its eye, which stuns it or causes its defence to drop.

Phase 3: the dragon moves under the sand and you have to shoot at various spots to damage it, however there is 10 places to shoot and one of them will not have part of the dragon, which means that you have to ensure your shooting the correct place and remmbering where that spot is. the spot can then change after each of the dragons attacks.

Phase 4: The Krayt Dragon emerges and battles against the heroes and hits out against them, with crushing acidic AOE attacks and high armour, it could be a cool specitcal.

But mostly, i think we need more raids, like Death Star raid for Red Five X-Wing, or perhaps a guild wide raid for capital ships...

hope you like the idea :)
  • "Jarvind;c-2211635" wrote:
    "DarkHelmet1138;c-2211628" wrote:

    Just make them immune to siphoning so SLKR is useless.

    Raid bosses are already immune to mastery drain. Crunchwrap Supreme Kylo does not "steal" stats from the target, he decreases their mastery and raises his own. So if the target is immune, he will still gain massive damage output from siphoning.

    That sounds broken. If he can't steal stats, then he shouldn't have anything to add.

    Here's another solution. Fix SLKR where he can only add mastery if he can siphon it from somewhere.
  • "Sebek;c-2211638" wrote:
    "DarkHelmet1138;c-2211636" wrote:
    "Jarvind;c-2211635" wrote:
    "DarkHelmet1138;c-2211628" wrote:

    Just make them immune to siphoning so SLKR is useless.

    Raid bosses are already immune to mastery drain. Crunchwrap Supreme Kylo does not "steal" stats from the target, he decreases their mastery and raises his own. So if the target is immune, he will still gain massive damage output from siphoning.

    That sounds broken. If he can't steal stats, then he shouldn't have anything to add.

    Here's another solution. Fix SLKR where he can only add mastery if he can siphon it from somewhere.

    Oh Because Nerfing is a Good Thing? Yeah No.

    I think in this case it's warranted. The big imbalance between SLKR and the other GLs come from this mechanic. If you can't make a raid boss for a future raid prevent this, then you basically have SLKR soloing phases of every raid that could potentially come out.

    The other solution is to buff the crap out of the other GLs and every future GL so that they are on par.

    I am usually against nerfs but in this case, the nerf is better for the long term survival of the game.

    It doesn't have to be a complete removal though. It just needs s limit to how much it can stack. Double or triple his normal damage should be enough in most game modes but should limit it enough to not break raids.

  • "Sebek;c-2211642" wrote:
    "DarkHelmet1138;c-2211640" wrote:
    "Sebek;c-2211638" wrote:
    "DarkHelmet1138;c-2211636" wrote:
    "Jarvind;c-2211635" wrote:
    "DarkHelmet1138;c-2211628" wrote:

    Just make them immune to siphoning so SLKR is useless.

    Raid bosses are already immune to mastery drain. Crunchwrap Supreme Kylo does not "steal" stats from the target, he decreases their mastery and raises his own. So if the target is immune, he will still gain massive damage output from siphoning.

    That sounds broken. If he can't steal stats, then he shouldn't have anything to add.

    Here's another solution. Fix SLKR where he can only add mastery if he can siphon it from somewhere.

    Oh Because Nerfing is a Good Thing? Yeah No.

    I think in this case it's warranted. The big imbalance between SLKR and the other GLs come from this mechanic. If you can't make a raid boss for a future raid prevent this, then you basically have SLKR soloing phases of every raid that could potentially come out.

    The other solution is to buff the crap out of the other GLs and every future GL so that they are on par.

    I am usually against nerfs but in this case, the nerf is better for the long term survival of the game.

    It doesn't have to be a complete removal though. It just needs s limit to how much it can stack. Double or triple his normal damage should be enough in most game modes but should limit it enough to not break raids.

    Can SLKR beat Challenge Tier Rancor, I Don't think so

    He does 50% of a phase a week after release. I don't think that was intended.

    You shouldn't be guaranteed a top spot in every future raid because you chose SLKR when the other GLs are "equal".

    If they can't make a raid boss immune, the only other option is a nerf
  • "Jarvind;c-2212115" wrote:
    "DarkHelmet1138;c-2211644" wrote:
    You shouldn't be guaranteed a top spot in every future raid because you chose SLKR when the other GLs are "equal".

    If they can't make a raid boss immune, the only other option is a nerf

    Kylo's been out for like a year now. If you still don't have him that's a personal choice on your part.

    And hitting him with the nerf stick would make the raid way harder for everyone since he's the best damage dealer in the first three phases at present. Do you want to hose your guildmates just because you're salty about your ranking?

    The raid us intended to require the whole guild. Not two or three slkrs for a phase.

    My solution is to remove the dumb mechanic that requires ridiculous coordination, replace it with stacking speed and offense based on an individual run, and limit stacks of syphon to a couple hundred.

    That allows this raid and future raids to not be trivialized by one toon.

    And my bad for assuming a new GL that they claimed would be equal would be as good or better.