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2 years ago

New raid idea: Snoke’s Super Star Destroyer

Raid Idea: Snoke’s Mega Star Destoryer

(Had no idea if this is where this should go… hope it is haha… if not, please move to where it should? And thank you if that does happen)

Sooooo last night after I made the Lugrehulk concept (check it out… I like it) I had a very big idea… I know that Snoke’s Destroyer is never gonna be a playable ship, so how bout a new raid idea: Fleet Raids…

Basically, the idea is the exact same as normal raids, only for fleets… while yes fleets aren’t exactly as big as squad battles, I have so many ship concepts that if CA wants to take them, feel free to do so devs… You have my eternal permission for anything to be used, seeing as I am basically making a kit for them to be just copy-pasted (with some adjustments of course… I’m sure there are things you want to add that I haven’t thought of).

But back to the raid: I’m calling it “Resistance Flight”, seeing as it was what I know the resistance does best (and even did a school video analyzing how poor the resistance was really prepared in the entire conflict in explicit detail from JUST this SINGULAR event) which is running away from issues bigger than them… both literally and figuratively…

So: I’ll begin with the setup…

Taken right from the movie (that being The Last Jedi) the opening cinematic will be the Raddus and co jumping out of Hyperdrive and thinking they are safe, only for seconds later it to pan out and see that the First Order fleet has arrived and Snoke’s ship to of course jump in, possibly even shaking the screen when it arrives.

And then we get the first encounter, Kylo Ren’s Tie Silencer… the opening cutscene here will be a panned out shot of the Tie Silencer doing that strafe on the hull of the Raddus, only for it to fly a bit outwards, being escorted by two Tie Fighters…

Phase 1 - the goal here is to get Kylo’s Tie away from the Raddus… and so, here’s my idea: The entire raid is basically just a mimic of the Sith raid, with a few extra bonuses of course, and this first encounter will be almost Copy Paste to the Final encounter…

Kylo’s Tie will have 2 new abilities, and a reworked special for this raid… and the Tie Fighters that accompany him will also be modified variants of the SF FO Tie fighter. However: similar to the Sith raid, there will be 2 generic FO tie fighters that will give a buff to be able to be used which will STUN Kylo’s Tie for a single turn, preventing damage… the major idea behind Kylo’s tie is that it will continuously increase enrage status, and you have to deal with it efficiently and not quickly otherwise (similar to the tank raid with that annoying Grevious first encounter) You’ll get an early enrage and ruin most of the fight…

Here’s the enemies and the granted ability:

Kylo’s Tie Silencer

(Basic) Disruptive Advance - Deal physical damage to target enemy. This attack deals 50% more damage when attacking out of turn or if that enemy had more than 50% turn meter, and gain 5% offense for the rest of battle (stacking)

While Enraged: Deal 100% more damage instead and gain triple the amount of Offense.

(Special; cooldown: 2) Strafing Run - deal physical damage to all enemies. Inflict Breach, offense down, stagger, expose, and 3 damage over time effects for 1 turn. Remove 25% turn meter, and dispel all buffs on all enemies.

While enraged: this attack cannot be evaded or countered, and for each effect resisted all allies gain 10% turn meter, doubled for Kylo’s Tie Silencer, which cannot be prevented.

(Special; Cooldown 4) Scan for Weaknesses - Deal physical damage to target enemy with a 50% chance to deal damage two more times. For each enemy reinforcement called in, this attack gains 25% offense and ignores 10% defense (stacking; max 100% offense, 40% defense). Dispel all buffs on that enemy and grant them, if any, to all allies for 2 turns. This ability cannot be evaded.

While Enraged: This attack gains an additional 15% offense and ignores 15% additional defense (so new values for max are 160% offense and 100% defense… just in case the math looked scary for a few), cannot be countered, and has a 50% chance to reduce it’s cooldown by 2 at the end of the turn.

(Special; cooldown 5) Dual Mag Pulse Torpedoes - Instantly defeat target enemy, which cannot be evaded. Grant all first orders allies 10% evasion and 20% counter chance for the rest of battle, and summon two First Order Tie fighters.

While Enraged: This attack’s cooldown is reduced by 3 and grants bonus protection equal to the defeated ships’ max protection.

(Unique) Endless Fury - Kylo’s Tie is immune to turn meter reduction effects, and gains 15% offense whenever it damages (or is damaged by) a target locked enemy. Whenever an enemy reinforces, Kylo’s tie gains 50% turn meter, and the cooldown on Strafing Run is reset.

(Unique) Raid Boss - This unit takes massive damage from destroy effects and takes reduced damage from massive and percent health damage effects. This unit is immune to Daze, Fear, Breach, Buff immunity, and Protection Disruption. This ability cannot prevent stuns from the enemy’s granted ability Leia’s Message, but is otherwise immune to stun. At the end of each of this unit’s turn, this unit used an additional ability, with a 50% chance to use another (max 2 additional abilities from this effect).

(Unique; Cooldown: 20) Enrage - This effects starts on cooldown and is reduced by 1 whenever Kylo’s tie takes a turn. Whenever any ally defeats an enemy, reduce the cooldown for enrage by 1, and Kylo’s Tie has 75% bonus offense and ignores defenses for one attack the next time it used an ability. When this unit gains Enrage, deal 200% more damage, inflict buff immunity on all enemies for the rest of battle, and all allies have +100 speed.
For the support Tie’s:

(Basic) L-s9.6 Laser Cannon - (exact same as the SF Tie Fighter)

(Special) Double Offensive - (only change is to DoT all enemies and not all other units, plus the cooldown is reduced by 1 whenever this ability is used… otherwise same as before)

One will have one of the next abilities, the other shall have the latter.

(Special; Cooldown 3) Supportive Backup - Deal special damage to target enemy and call a random ally and Kylo’s Tie to assist, dealing 40% less damage. Inflict Breach, Ability block, and Protection disruption for 2 turns, which cannot be resisted, on target enemy.

(Special; Cooldown 4) Supportive Distraction - Gain taunt, 150% protection up, and Breach immunity for 2 turns. While this unit has this taunt, all other allies take 50% reduced damage (excluding Kylo’s Tie Silencer) and gain 5% turn meter whenever this unit takes damage (excluding Kylo’s Tie Silencer).
And for the other Tie’s, just copy-past the usually FO tie… only make it have a cooldown reduction on it’s special rather than a full refresh…

For the unique Buff I said, I really have genuinely no idea what to call it… only that it would be almost IDENTICAL to Nihilus’ Unbreakable Will in terms of how to get it… defeat the FO tie’s, and gain it. The effect is as follows:

Stun Kylo’s Tie for 1 turn, and reduce it’s offense to it’s base value. These effects cannot be evaded or prevented. All allies gain 100% bonus offense and damage immunity for 2 turns, which cannot be prevented or dispelled.

As for the encounter mechanics:

Similar to the end of the Sith Tri raid, Kylo’s Tie cannot be damaged or targeted until the escorts are defeated, until then Kylo’s tie will be an absolute headache to contend with… as I said previously, letting the battle drag on is not ideal, but for this first encounter the idea of letting some of the more “fleet powerful” players take out the escorts in either one or two tries for the rest of the guild to take out Kylo’s Tie is I think going to be the most logical situation here… the main idea of this encounter is almost as if there was some Resistance fighters we didn’t see in the movie and they are trying to stall the fleet’s demise…

Once you complete this encounter, the next two are basically a copy-paster of each other…
The Second and Third encounters are… well, the explanation I have for the 2 other escorts the Raddus had during the movie to be destroyed… As of when I am writing this, CA confirmed a new raid that was based on the Endor chase scene from Return of the Jedi… I have no idea how they are going to do it, but if it how I think, then this will be similar… basically, each of these two encounters will start at 0% and increase by 0.1% every second… the longer the fight goes on, not only the further you go but also just the more likely you’ll be facing tougher and tougher enemies…

However: to prevent those of us who might be wanting to just make it here and go afk for a bit to fill the progress, once the percentage reaches 2% (20 seconds) within the last player input and there has been no input of any type, the encounter will automatically end. If it reaches 6% (1 minute) of the last player input and there has been no damage to enemy ships, the encounter will also end… not gonna lie, I really am only saying that for the Raid’s sake of engagement… to be completely honest here, I really wish that players could do this with how long they’ll be fighting endless hoards of FO tie’s… it will be more of a marathon run of endurance and discipline of not backing out more than it will a real challenge…

That being said, this encounter is still difficult… The encounter is just the FO fleet sending Ties after Ties to deal with the Resistance fleet, so it starts of pretty easy but can quickly become quite dangerous to deal with…

To start off: there will be 3 FO Tie… seeing as the maximum amount of units that I think CA has had in ANY event is the Tank raid’s third encounter where there are 6 B1’s and the Raid boss, this is where I want to challenge them to try and outdo that, capping instead at 10… I know some of us are thinking “how are the Tie’s gonna INCREASE in numbers?” Good question random viewer of this post!

Whenever the player defeats all active Tie’s, they respawn and progress for the encounter increases by 10% (a minute and half) to not only compensate towards the raid, but also as a way of saying “good job for not quitting”… when the Tie’s respawn, however, they gain not just 1 additional tie, but 2… as well as the Max health and Protection of ALL future Tie’s is increased by 15%… of course, since this is time-based there is an enrage mechanic, but to keep people from just quitting entirely from how brutal this could be, the enrage simply halves all percentage gains, so instead of 0.1% every seconds, it would be 0.1% every TWO seconds,and instead of 10% gained after a full Tie wipe, it would be 5%…

Of course there is a granted ability (which is Flank Speed) that allows you to gain 10% static (meaning it is not affected by the enrage’s nerf to the percent gains), and can ONLY gain ability progress for each defeated tie (should be notes: THIS IS *NOT* A TIE WIPE, ONLY IF A TIE IS DEFEATED), which is 5% per tie… pretty good right? Yep…

As per above, the FO tie’s are basically all that will be seen here, with another unique to be able to grant some more challenge (swarm of order)

Swarm of Order: gain 10% offense for each ally First Order Tie Fighter, and gain 5% bonus protection whenever any enemy unit is damaged. Whenever an enemy reinforces, gain 50% turn meter and reduce the cooldown on strafe.

Another thing is that Strafe will now call a random other ally to assist… once again, this will be a challenge yes, but also a SLOG for some players… I will personally LOVE this idea…

The end of the encounter will showcase the resistance ships running out of fuel and falling out of he Raddus’ shields, for which Snoke’s Ship will promptly destroy, thus ending the encounter… after the third encounter, the REAL challenge begins…
Final Encounter:

For this to be easy to explain without bringing any bad word language here, I can summarize it as “If you aren’t having fun, I’m the one who causing it…”

In order for this to make sense as a RAID standpoint, take the first encounter, get rid of the escort ties and make them normal (like the other first encounter and the previous 2 encounter tie’s) and also subtract Kylo’s Insta-kill… the goal here: GET RID OF SNOKE’S SHIP!

Should be noted: Any Destroy Capital ship effect works here, however, Profundity’s one that just makes it fly away will not… after all, if the First Order couldn’t find the resistance shuttles, how would the Tantive IV make it just go away? Plus, Snoke’s Shop has to be DESTROYED, not LEAVE.

Obviously: if you have a Resistance fleet Raddus, this part is where you will have your guild basically praying to you like a god… similar to the krayt raid, if a player manages to destroy Snoke’s ship, a MASSIVE amount of progress will be given… once the guild reaches this stage, if there are any weak member who want to try out a fleet they think would do good, this is where they can… originally I thought of a way where after a certain amount of players destroy snoke’s ship the raid ends, but instead I just decided on this…

Caveat here is that if you don’y have a destroy capital ship effect, you will still be able to gain progress for you guild (in the form of damaging Kylo’s tie or even killing it will grant a significant amount of points) but you won’t be able to end the encounter as quickly if you do…

Copy-paste the ships and things as before, only now have Snoke’s ship periodically have those ultra-heavy turbolasers barrage your fleets, dealing massive amounts of true damage and inflicting Healing immunity and daze for 3 turns and cannot be dispelled or evaded…

Lmk what ya’ll think… as I said when I posted I have ideas that I think are worth a thought or look into, I really do… this game to me is what I think a star wars mobile game should be, and within the past year and half I have only been saying better and better things to my friends about it, and how fun it is… the more things that get added, the more I keep wanting things that won’t happen

There is only one me that has a lot of ideas, but that could mean that I am the only who has them… so, I’m giving them out there in hopes of others wanting the same or even something similar, I only want the best… and since I’m still in school I can’t really do much as a dev or anything like that, but I can still say “hey, here’s a thought” and leave it to others how to handle it…
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