Forum Discussion

angelvazzana1's avatar
7 years ago

New TB Idea

Long post so be warned...

Clone wars and Geo TB...
Ok we have a LSTB and a DSTB, we could easily have a clone wars and a Geo's TB also.
On the clone wars side of course you would need your clones but also Mace, Plo, Kit, Anikan and General Kenobi. For Special Characters they could introduce a couple of new clones, Anikans ship and maybe a new Jedi. Good money revenue there :)
Then on The Geo's side you would need... Nute, GG, Poggle, Jango, Dooku
And the special characters you could get the Roger Rogers finally, zombie Geo's, and drodika with a new Capital ship from GG and his rework finally plus maybe a new rework for Mace that's desperately needed. By doing this you can have 4 different TB's a month and need many different characters which could help people build their rosters quicker plus bring in way more revenue for the company. Plus this will help get rid of the constant just light side or just darkside TB which gets boring. By having 4 different raids but in a good theme of things it opens so many more avenues and helps the player base expand their roster and gear up toons most probably wouldn't touch. It's just a idea but I hope this gets looked at and hopefully considered to be a option. Most might say GK is available to everyone yet because he is a raid reward but HAAT is so easy now that most guilds do 3 raids a week for just HAAT so getting GK to 5* isn't a big deal at all. Please think about this @CG_Carrie :) thanks
  • I would like it. I prefer TB over TW anyways.

    There's enough Republic and Separatists to warrant one. Very few players would have to worry about panic farming most of them. Throw in new Toons like the ROLO/IPD as exclusives would be fine.
  • As interesting as it is, people complain about running a TB on a weekly basis, then they complain about TB being more than 2 weeks out for IPD and ROLO shards. As for building rosters faster, I can't agree with that. Look at how many characters we need as it is. Resources are already stretched thin, as well as nerves.
  • Most of those toons you listed off are bad. They need a rework. I don’t want to gear crappy toons anymore lol. So I disagree