Forum Discussion

MAndrewMX's avatar
8 years ago

New Tier on Pit coming?

I've tried several guilds lately in an attempt to just play my full toon roster. Many of us have spent months or over a year building our toon armies only to now have heroic pit so easy that guild make up crazy rules just to try and make it fair. Latest is only using one squad. On T6 you get 5 squad chances. But raids are over so quickly guilds are desperate to find a way to keep it fun and help members get rewards for doing their daily 600. That many zero damage tag, have registration periods, only certain members can go on certain phases, but the most logical would bexpect to expand heroic by two levels. Not just tier that's hard or harder than AAT, but a natural increase of difficulty and one that is super hard. That's my opinion, has anyone heard anything about adding more tiers to pit raid? A dev update on this would be awesome if possible. Thanks