Forum Discussion

MasterSeedy's avatar
Seasoned Hotshot
5 days ago

Notifications not notifying...

About half the time I click on the notifications icon, I get this: 

There's no notification information at all, old or new. This occurs both when the red dot appears on the icon (supposedly indicating new notifications) and when it doesn't. 

Also, while I'm bothering with this, there's another aspect of the interface that bothers me though on its own it didn't bother me enough to create a separate post. When you visit the notifications page (and it's working) the new notifications are bolded. But if you visit one, then hit the back button to visit your other new notifications ... nothing is bolded. Nothing at all. The bolding should be eliminated not by visiting the notifications page in general, but by clicking a specific link. That way when you have multiple notifications you can follow one, get whatever new info is there, come back to the notifications page and still see what's new (to you). 

Finally, there's a little niggle: Whether something is a reply to your specific comment, a reply to the thread in general, or just a like of one of your comments or threads should be easier to visually distinguish. Right now that information is more or less in the middle of the notification, rather than top or bottom where it is more visually distinct. It could also be made visually distinct by leaving the location the same, but making the color or font size different (or bolding it, though the entire notification is already bold). I don't really care which one of these is implemented, but knowing whether someone replied to your specific comment is actually pretty key information for most people in deciding whether or not they're going to head back to that thread. A good UI should highlight that information as the most salient bit. 

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