Wins: 3( General Grievous, Anakin, & Darth Maul)
Losses: 2 (Count Dooku & Darth Vader)
Draws: 1 (Jango Fett)
Wins: 1 (Count Dooku)
Losses: 2 (Count Dooku & Obi-Wan)
Mace Windu
Wins: 1 (Jango Fett)
Losses: 1 (Darth Sidious)
Wins: 0
Losses: 1 (Darth Sidious)
Draws: 1 (Count Dooku)
Luke Skywalker
Wins: 1 (Darth Vader)
Losses: 1 (Darth Vader)
Honestly in my opinion it could easily be argued that Obi-wan was the greatest Jedi in all the Star Wars movies. He certainly has the best record.