Forum Discussion

brandoneic424's avatar
8 years ago

Omega mat drop rate

Has anyone else found the omega ability mat drop rate is minuscule at best? I have yet to receive one from either cantina stages or the ability mat challenge. If the drop rate for these is this bad, change it to toon shards in cantina instead.
  • I don't mind where it's at right now. For the longest time it was only available from finishing all daily activities. I think it's nice to every now and again get a bonus omega.

    That said, I wouldn't go out of my way farming omegas in Cantina nodes; that just seems like a waste of cantina energy.
  • Why waste cantina energy on an impossible drop when we have shards to buy, mods to farm and dailies to do with this energy? I tried 200 cantina energy on the omega arena node. No drop. I pass... I need that energy for something else.
  • Last cantina battles are only useful to get the achievement. Drop rates for omega's are horrid.
  • Wouldn't be surprised if they've locked the drop rate to 0 until the new ability levels are introduced...
  • you probably have a better drop rate for an omega in the last GW node than you do spending 240 energy in cantina
  • i got lucky yesterday got 2 from abiilty mat challenge and 1 from GW
  • I would be happy if they fixed the purple mat drop rate. Right now I'm sitting on 0 purple, 894 blue, and 1079 green. Ridiculous....
  • Purple has a 15% drop rate, so you can at least count on half of that :wink:
  • Of the 831 battles I did on varying stages of level 8 cantina, I have received exactly zero omegas.
    I believe there is no possibility of getting these omegas.
    @CG_Kozispoon , would you please look into this?