8 years ago
Data Packs Drop Rate
I'm writing this post to make a suggestion to the Devs of this great game. I'm a newer player, just broke level 83, and I have to say Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes is a phenomenal game. I appreciate all the hard work that you put into this game, the luster of rare characters, gear collecting, raids, guilds ect! My experience on this game has been great, except for one aspect that I cannot help but question.
With all the wonderful aspects you have placed in this game, the call to purchase Data Packs is strong. Advancing further and quicker in the game is a strong desire for most. However making the investment some would hesitate on. Solely based on the RNG Factor of this game.
Where it is a strong asset in game play, when it comes to purchases the gamble is frightening. Agreeably this factor does produce profit, it needs to, with all these free aspects in the game, and how you deliver free crystals to players, I understand business and that you need to get some profit, you deserve it!
I feel though that it would instill peace to players knowing precisely what they are buying.
For example -
Faction Mega Packs -
Cost - 2799 roughly $19.99 USD
I've spent money on these among-st other Packs, this guaranteed bonus card is a nice value instead of getting the single pack. However the aspect of possibly receiving 10-330 is even more appealing. The chance to receive 330 shards ! a full 7* character is a wonderful opportunity.
What is the reality though? What are my chances of actually getting it? Understandably not disclosing this information is a nice advantage, keep players guessing and the more the chance of receiving pack purchases.
I feel though at some points when farming in this game seems more difficult than others. Especially when your trying to finish off that one Character to 7* your 95/100, you spend money on 3 refreshes and get 0 shards... The unpredictability hurts, not only emotionally but also financially. It would be reassuring to understand further how the game works by adding solid proof that I am not being played but simply just having bad luck.
Now no I'm not asking that you remove this factor entirely, it's core to the game and of course your business model.
I am suggesting though that you educate the players of this game further, of the risk vs reward factor of this game, by posting the drop rates, or rather the "Odds". I strongly feel that disclosing this will not hurt you financially. In fact it will help players feeling wary have more confidence that they are playing the game and not being played by the game, thus giving you more business. Similar to a casino understanding the odds entices more to play and spend on the gamble.
It would certainly make it easier rather than keeping spreadsheets to try and understand Data Pack drop rates and Shard / Gear drop rates :)
Thank you in advance for taking the time to read this post and hear my suggestion and please let me know what you think.
Best Regards,
I'm writing this post to make a suggestion to the Devs of this great game. I'm a newer player, just broke level 83, and I have to say Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes is a phenomenal game. I appreciate all the hard work that you put into this game, the luster of rare characters, gear collecting, raids, guilds ect! My experience on this game has been great, except for one aspect that I cannot help but question.
With all the wonderful aspects you have placed in this game, the call to purchase Data Packs is strong. Advancing further and quicker in the game is a strong desire for most. However making the investment some would hesitate on. Solely based on the RNG Factor of this game.
Where it is a strong asset in game play, when it comes to purchases the gamble is frightening. Agreeably this factor does produce profit, it needs to, with all these free aspects in the game, and how you deliver free crystals to players, I understand business and that you need to get some profit, you deserve it!
I feel though that it would instill peace to players knowing precisely what they are buying.
For example -
Faction Mega Packs -
Cost - 2799 roughly $19.99 USD
I've spent money on these among-st other Packs, this guaranteed bonus card is a nice value instead of getting the single pack. However the aspect of possibly receiving 10-330 is even more appealing. The chance to receive 330 shards ! a full 7* character is a wonderful opportunity.
What is the reality though? What are my chances of actually getting it? Understandably not disclosing this information is a nice advantage, keep players guessing and the more the chance of receiving pack purchases.
I feel though at some points when farming in this game seems more difficult than others. Especially when your trying to finish off that one Character to 7* your 95/100, you spend money on 3 refreshes and get 0 shards... The unpredictability hurts, not only emotionally but also financially. It would be reassuring to understand further how the game works by adding solid proof that I am not being played but simply just having bad luck.
Now no I'm not asking that you remove this factor entirely, it's core to the game and of course your business model.
I am suggesting though that you educate the players of this game further, of the risk vs reward factor of this game, by posting the drop rates, or rather the "Odds". I strongly feel that disclosing this will not hurt you financially. In fact it will help players feeling wary have more confidence that they are playing the game and not being played by the game, thus giving you more business. Similar to a casino understanding the odds entices more to play and spend on the gamble.
It would certainly make it easier rather than keeping spreadsheets to try and understand Data Pack drop rates and Shard / Gear drop rates :)
Thank you in advance for taking the time to read this post and hear my suggestion and please let me know what you think.
Best Regards,