If you have enough speed on GBA and don't hit the acklay between when he enrages and when he AOEs you should easily take him out of enrage before his AOE.
When the acklay first uses the enrage ability the AOE will be on a cooldown of 1 so he'll use his basic. Both GBA and the acklay will be on 0% TM (most likely because of the acklay's TM removal) and it's a speed race between GBA and the acklay. If you attack him between the enrage and the AOE though he'll gain TM (5% every time he takes damage) so will for sure get there first. So when he enrages, attack the jedi until you can cool him off. 10% extra damage from having to kill a jedi is a lot easier to survive than 100% extra from him being enraged. If your special ability is still on cooldown when acklay enrages then you need more speed and you need to attack the acklay less in the turns leading up to enrage. Also avoid Brute's special (which calls everyone to assist twice and gives massive amounts of TM). Don't forget that conscription gives you a bunch of TM gain and clears the dazes so it's not always best to save it for re-summoning the brute.
For an example see 9min into this vid https://youtu.be/Y1Zd1_0f-lY?t=543
(Caution: I obviously advise against listing to things Ahnold says in general as there's quite a bit of rubbish thrown in but said with equal confidence like he knows what he's talking about... e.g. immediately after the useful bit of info at 9mins he says you should try and blind the acklay before his AOE which can't be evaded /facepalm but there you go)
Regarding blind I use it just before he enrages because his enrage dispels taunts and his basic attack on the turn he enrages can 1 shoot a weaker geo with it's +100% damage especially a dazed geo (another 50% damage).