Forum Discussion

Gabe9876543210's avatar
2 months ago

Over Deployment in TB

Is there any way to see how much the over deployment is on a planet once it is 3 starred? 

I'm in charge of TB in my guild, and this info would be very useful, both to point fingers, and more importantly, to help with planning for future TBs by accurately calculating our waste.

Without this info, it is impossible to do so unless you track it continuously through the day (and night!), which is quite annoying.

I don't think there is a way to see it, so my suggestion is to actually change so it shows contribution, rather then min(3starvalue, contribution).

For example, right now, my Dathomir shows 399,116,556/399,116,556, because it is 3 stars.

If would be much better if it said 404,731,241/399,116,556, or whatever it actually is. We would all intuitively understand exactly what that means, since there is no ambiguity.

I only know it's roughly 5M over, from talking to my guild mates, and testing their memory of their deployment, which isn't a great method.  

12 Replies

  • Gabe9876543210's avatar
    New Scout
    2 months ago

    Your unsolicited opinion on how to run a TB is moot.  If you think I don't know how orders work, I definitely don't need your help.

    Overflow happens, sometimes. More than likely, to more than our guild. I cannot control that - People don't always follow orders, and accidents happen, especially with the ever present lag. If and when I do monitor the situation, I can easily calculate what I need, but the entire point of this discussion is to remove the need to monitor and just see the data instead. If you can explain why I should not want this data more easily available, please do. 

    I'm also not quite sure what you mean by warehouses, but I am sure it's irrelevant to this post.

  • Rhombi's avatar
    Rising Traveler
    2 months ago

    As someone who runs RotE, I feel like seeing that data would just make me angry 🤣