Forum Discussion

  • "Lor_San_Teka;c-2076325" wrote:
    "HolyDarkblade;c-2076308" wrote:
    Dude, they got better things to worry about right now than you nitpicking about art details. Stop whining about every slight and running to the forums for attention. You must be so **** playing this game that you feel slighted against for freakin artwork on packs. Get a life

    Au contrere! Given that about half of their Q&A time is spent with useless Art questions, I found it to be rather pertinent.

    Whereas inconveniences like TW disappearing are simply annoying, advertising something on a pack and not including what is on the pack in the pack is illegal.

    Pretty sure nothing in your images is even close to illegal. The pack clearly shows the contents before you can purchase it.
  • "littleMAC77;c-2076332" wrote:
    "Lor_San_Teka;c-2076325" wrote:
    "HolyDarkblade;c-2076308" wrote:
    Dude, they got better things to worry about right now than you nitpicking about art details. Stop whining about every slight and running to the forums for attention. You must be so **** playing this game that you feel slighted against for freakin artwork on packs. Get a life

    Au contrere! Given that about half of their Q&A time is spent with useless Art questions, I found it to be rather pertinent.

    Whereas inconveniences like TW disappearing are simply annoying, advertising something on a pack and not including what is on the pack in the pack is illegal.

    Pretty sure nothing in your images is even close to illegal. The pack clearly shows the contents before you can purchase it.

    Whew, LittleMac on the Internet has cleared CG of any wrongdoing, like bait-and-switch.
  • Not useless to those that would have bought the pack expecting kyro’s. Not to mention the fact that CG likely would have had to do refunds for those that complained about it after the fact.

    Google probably doesn’t care, but Apple is a stickler for that sort of thing.
  • "Lor_San_Teka;c-2076357" wrote:
    littleMAC77 HolyDarkblade
    I'm sorry, you guys were saying what now?

    "littleMAC77;c-2076332" wrote:
    "Lor_San_Teka;c-2076325" wrote:
    "HolyDarkblade;c-2076308" wrote:
    Dude, they got better things to worry about right now than you nitpicking about art details. Stop whining about every slight and running to the forums for attention. You must be so **** playing this game that you feel slighted against for freakin artwork on packs. Get a life

    Au contrere! Given that about half of their Q&A time is spent with useless Art questions, I found it to be rather pertinent.

    Whereas inconveniences like TW disappearing are simply annoying, advertising something on a pack and not including what is on the pack in the pack is illegal.

    Pretty sure nothing in your images is even close to illegal. The pack clearly shows the contents before you can purchase it.

    Yup, i still stand by what i said. Nothing seems remotely illegal here, and despite improper art on the store screen, the pack still shows you the correct contents before purchase. What exactly should i be taking back here?