My Favourite YouTube SWGOH Commentators...
So there are two YouTube SWGOH commentators that I enjoy watching and with the news of the latest update from cg that was just dropped I was surprised at the palpable shock and disappoint at the direction this game if going.
Really wish CG would pause and just listen to the feedback from your community.
These YouTubers are really positive dudes, and run both a 7* demo account for all the new releases and a FTP account and I have to say, if they are feeling the pain, what about those new players that are just downloading this game or up and coming members that casually play? I am all for spending a few bucks here and there butlets be honest, the PVE in is already at the endgame. With this ERA concept, you are basically forcing a pay to play version on us.
There is another great post on these boards that is a Community Feedback post, very positive/constructive view of where we are at.
I emplore you CG, please pause and take a moment to think things over before you venture down this path to a game that is beloved by many of us.