Forum Discussion

UltimateSeaDog's avatar
8 years ago

Petition to put Chirrut, Jyn, Cassian and Shoretrooper into shipments

I DONT care about the price. Slap 1000 crystals for 5 shards or anything, just allow us a chance to get them. And no, $140 to unlock all of them is NOT considered 'available".

Really don't see the POINT of making all these toons rare, since the whales and dolphins would be clamouring to spend money to get em=> EA has more $$
  • The Op forgot the business aspect of this game. $$$ has been invested in developing and maintaining the game. There must be a return on those investments. I'm ftp too but I don't think ea/cg would do what you are asking for until a a certain period of time elaps. Remember Rex, fac etc who used to behind a paywall can now be farmed from two stores.
    Work with what you have and enjoy the game. Those who pay are the one ensuring that those who don't pay enjoy the game.
  • I'm going out on a limb here and say math isn't the OP strong point.
    1000 crystals for 5 shards? That adds to about 66000 crystals for a 7*
    66000= +$400...
    That pack sounds any cheaper now? Lol

    Edit: If you're thinking of applying your crystals from Arena know that it would take 132 days (assuming you get 1st everyday on arena and don't spend gems on refreshes... hard to be on top in that case for 4 months...but hey..) to get those crystals