I completed the second challenge tier with-
Ep lead, g11. Had defence and potency mods on, with relatively good speed secondaries
relic 4 sion, modded for potency and protection, speed secondaries.
Relic 5 bastilla, modded for speed and potency, speed secondaries
g12 nihilus, speed... Just speed
and i completed the event with both dr and traya, both worked.
g12 traya, modded for speed and defence
g12 dr, modded for offence and potency
Tried to keep shock on the opposing team and only did the palps stun when they where about to take their turns. Isolate on palps(survivability) or bastila, to spam her debuffs. Sion as he had 120k protection and 80% potency, that was fun. Held by hatred, plus the attacking characters having pain meant that the opposing characters where hitting for 8k per hit sometimes. Then it was the old strat of having nihilus annihilate yoda as soon as the battle begun in phase 8... I loved this event