As I see it;
TB- I want more consistency, lightside is 45 stars and 6 waves, while dark is 48 and 4 waves. I assume the difficulty will be adjusted if not that can be added. As for platoons I also hate how they add some characters like the new nightsisters or Wicket, and one potentially fix along side removing them until more people can get them, is expand them. so it can be any character from their light/dark side.
Heroic events- annoying. Event themselves are fairly fun (except the Ewok I still can't beat it and have decided screw it he ain't worth it) but only 10 shards a month is abysmal. I feel it should be at minimum 25 meaning it'd take 14 months to go from nothing to max. And have it be for truly unique and powerful characters. Zombie and Talzin are good but spirit and Wicket aren't. So eh, 1/2. Also for the sprit/zombie thing. Either massively increase the amount of shards (say 40-60) or keep the 25ish but give both characters each time
Changes- upset to see Baze gone cause I wanted to farm him but I'm not doing his hard node u less I desperate need him (which I don't) I feel guild store should be used for hard to get characters like Shore, Baze, high end cantina like anyone on 8, etc to justify the limited currency drops and 2 great and exclusive characters in there
Battlefront- not really related to us besides maybe adding Iden or Del. But after actually seeing the campaign combined with the "galaxy of Rebels" people I can see why they didn't
TW- only problem is ties, which I'm sure they're fixing. Other than that only future map suggestions. Which as I'm thinking; geonosis for clone wars factions, or moriband for Jedi/Sith
Liking the game so far. Hope it'll last past ep9