Forum Discussion

96fc4a7a6d1bd18b's avatar
Seasoned Newcomer
2 months ago

Player advice 964-269-946

Hey looking for some feedback, where I should focus and who to mod best.


i have GL Rey and not sure on best team as I don’t currently have Ben any advice appreciated

  • I'll take a look at your roster, but the very first thing that I'll say is what I always say to questions like this: There will be lots of people offering advice. And it will all be good advice. There are many fine paths to take. But even if it's good advice, it may very well not be the right advice for you. 

    We can tell you what teams you need for this or that accomplishment. We can tell you which teams are better in which game modes. But the thing about SWGOH is that it takes years to build up a roster the way I did it. Everything worth doing in this game takes a long time. And when you're farming something to watch 1 or 2 or even 4 shards trickle in each day, and you have to do that over and over again for 100 days or longer, it's very easy for it to feel like work. 

    And if it feels like work, you'll quit. 

    So we can tell you the quickest way to get X, but if the quick way means focussing on characters you don't care about or doing something else that isn't fun for you, you may quit before you reach your goal. 

    The trick, then, is that whenever you're faced with 2 good paths, and one is the one that lots of people choose and everyone says is great but feels like work to you, and the other doesn't go in a straight line to any particular accomplishment, but it does help you and it's more fun, ALWAYS choose the option that's more fun. 

    So tell us! What do you have fun doing in the game. The more we know about what brings you fun, the better we can make our advice. 

    • 96fc4a7a6d1bd18b's avatar
      Seasoned Newcomer

      Thanks for the advice, I like collecting the journey guide characters, currently focussing on JKLbut feel my progress is slow generally. I struggle to know which team to focus in and mods is a struggle for me.


      i also find Gels a very slow process 

      • MasterSeedy's avatar
        Rising Veteran

        GL's are a very slow process, for sure. JKL is a nice intermediate step that rewards having a few low-relic toons. Wampa used to be a bad toon, but with his omicron, he's good in GAC. 

        I'll take a look at things and get back to you tomorrow. Kind of busy today.