Forum Discussion

Kluge1971's avatar
New Spectator
7 years ago

Player lock and mod-loadouts

@CG_Carrie @CG_Kozispoon @CG_TopHat With mods 2.0 and mod-loadouts, when is your roster status captured for TW? Is it when you join or when the preview phase ends and you begin setting defenses?? I've always operated based on the latter, that you could join whenever and do whatever up to the point of player lock. However-- Last TW I joined early, then, set mods with load-outs how I wanted them for TW later (still prior to the end of preview phase). When I set defenses, I noticed my power levels were low and checked some of the toons I had edited. None of the changes were in effect. So I had to fight the TW with weaker squads. @CG_Leviathan @CG_SBCrumb Bueller? Bueller? Anyone?? Really would like an answer before TW starts please.
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