Forum Discussion

Han_Gerbil's avatar
6 years ago

Please lower in app purchase prices?

Hey CG,

I want to give you money.... really, I do. I like the game, but the per character cost to advance is prohibitive, thus I stay mostly FTP. I do buy something every so often, just to encourage game development and to support you, but I know, whole heartedly, if you reduced some of the purchase prices, like gear bundles, I would be much more inclined to buy more of them.

I’m sure you have done the calculus, but would you rather have 5000 people buy a $99 in app purchase, or 30,000 buy a $30? Easy to see, the later makes much more money..... Walmart, Amazon, etc, are among the biggest companies in the world, because they understand that customers happily spend money when the items they offer are affordable.

Again, I want to give you more money, but your current prices stop me because the end game is too expensive for even 1 squad.... currently, there is a bundle for 2 gear and 500 crystals.... I want it so bad. I would give you $5 without blinking. I might do this 5 times a month. I would even consider it at $8 or $9, but right now you want $20, and I can’t accept that, not even once as it only benefits 1 character and insignificantly overall... I know many of your supporters feel the same....

Lower prices = more transactions = happier customers = greater customer investment.... which creates more lock in, to keep the game going. That’s good for all of us who love this game, you too!

Thanks CG, I hope you are listening, and I am grateful you made SWGOH! :)