"CrispyFett;d-265748" wrote:
How many times can we ask for this? It should be a simple change to make. Implement 6x and 8x speeds. Abilities are made now to look normal on 4x not 1x as they used to be, so there is no way to "speed" up battles anymore. 4x is the new 1x, and we should have faster speed options. I'm so tired of timing out and watching character's abilities take time off of the clock over and over and over and over . . .
Timeout teams help them make money and/or cause us to use resources, time, etc., to try to beat that time out team. That's why they keep releasing datacrons with ridiculous stats like 200, 300, 400% defense. Because players want their own timeout teams and CG will instigate our need for them.
At the least, they did speed up Kneesa's animations? But, the Jabba team (especially with a defense % datacron) is still the ultimate in not getting to take a turn for 90 seconds because of how long animations take. That set only lasts for another three weeks though, so there's that?