Forum Discussion

Xcien's avatar
4 years ago

Plo Koon Rework

Here is the rework for Plo Koon. The italicized writing is the changes.

Unit Name: Plo Koon
Tags: Light Side, Tank, Leader, Jedi, Galactic Republic

Basic: Quelling Blow (Omega):
Deal Physical Damage to target enemy and dispel all buffs on them. If an effect is dispelled, Plo Koon gains Defense Up and Speed Up for 2 turns.

Special: Force Judgement (Cooldown 4) (Omega):
Deal Special Damage to all enemies with a 70% chance to inflict Offense Down, Critical Chance Down, and Daze for 3 turns and a 70% chance for all allies to gain Offense Up for 2 turns.

Special: Take Charge (Cooldown 4) (Omega):
Dispel all debuffs on allies and all allies gain Defense Up for 4 turns. Clone and Jedi allies gain 50% Meter and other allies gain half that amount.

Leader: Overwatch (Omega):
Each ally has a 55% 60% chance to remove Stealth and Foresight from each enemy at the start of their turn. If they dispel any enemies, they gain Offense Up and Defense Penetration Up for 1 turn.

Unique: Expert Pilot (Zeta):
Plo Koon has +10% Evasion for each Jedi and Clone Ally. Whenever a Clone Trooper ally falls below 50% Health, Plo Koon Taunts for 2 turns. If Ahsoka Tano is an ally, then both her and Plo gain Critical Hit Immunity and Offense Up for 2 turns at the start of every encounter.
  • "Anakins_Master;c-2245018" wrote:
    I think you should slow down on your kits and spend more time on them each. Direct synergy with ahsoka. I do not agree with it. 50% turn meter gain, wat too OP. Speed up for 3 turns on Basic, way too OP. Offense down and daze and crit chance down for 2 turns is OP, maybe 2 turns. You need work on your kits so try and spend more time on them and make them more efficient. I am not saying all your kits are bad and most of them are nice. I am not trying to be rude. I am fine with a lot of your kits although I think you could make them better by spending more time on them. You post like 1 or 2 kits a day. Slow Down or spend more time on them.

    He has direct synergy with Ahsoka because they were very close friends during the Clone Wars since he brought her to the Jedi Order. Plo already has the 50% turn meter in the game, but I will add the other changes.
  • And sorry @Anakins_Master if not all of my kits are perfect. I just have lots of ideas that I want to share, and sometimes I may overlook a small flaw in a kit, but it happens to everyone too. However, I will take your advice and try to slow down and overlook the kits before posting them.
  • "Xcien;c-2245030" wrote:
    And sorry @Anakins_Master if not all of my kits are perfect. I just have lots of ideas that I want to share, and sometimes I may overlook a small flaw in a kit, but it happens to everyone too. However, I will take your advice and try to slow down and overlook the kits before posting them.

    It's fine, a lot of your kits are good
  • Feedback
    I think you should slow down on your kits and spend more time on them each. Direct synergy with ahsoka. I do not agree with it. 50% turn meter gain, wat too OP. Speed up for 3 turns on Basic, way too OP. Offense down and daze and crit chance down for 2 turns is OP, maybe 2 turns. You need work on your kits so try and spend more time on them and make them more efficient. I am not saying all your kits are bad and most of them are nice. I am not trying to be rude. I am fine with a lot of your kits although I think you could make them better by spending more time on them. You post like 1 or 2 kits a day. Slow Down or spend more time on them.