4 years ago
Plo Koon Rework
Here is the rework for Plo Koon. The italicized writing is the changes.
Unit Name: Plo Koon
Tags: Light Side, Tank, Leader, Jedi, Galactic Republic
Basic: Quelling Blow (Omega):
Special: Force Judgement (Cooldown 4) (Omega):
Special: Take Charge (Cooldown 4) (Omega):
Leader: Overwatch (Omega):
Unique: Expert Pilot (Zeta):
Unit Name: Plo Koon
Tags: Light Side, Tank, Leader, Jedi, Galactic Republic
Basic: Quelling Blow (Omega):
Deal Physical Damage to target enemy and dispel all buffs on them. If an effect is dispelled, Plo Koon gains Defense Up and Speed Up for 2 turns.
Special: Force Judgement (Cooldown 4) (Omega):
Deal Special Damage to all enemies with a 70% chance to inflict Offense Down, Critical Chance Down, and Daze for 3 turns and a 70% chance for all allies to gain Offense Up for 2 turns.
Special: Take Charge (Cooldown 4) (Omega):
Dispel all debuffs on allies and all allies gain Defense Up for 4 turns. Clone and Jedi allies gain 50% Meter and other allies gain half that amount.
Leader: Overwatch (Omega):
Each ally has a 55% 60% chance to remove Stealth and Foresight from each enemy at the start of their turn. If they dispel any enemies, they gain Offense Up and Defense Penetration Up for 1 turn.
Unique: Expert Pilot (Zeta):
Plo Koon has +10% Evasion for each Jedi and Clone Ally. Whenever a Clone Trooper ally falls below 50% Health, Plo Koon Taunts for 2 turns. If Ahsoka Tano is an ally, then both her and Plo gain Critical Hit Immunity and Offense Up for 2 turns at the start of every encounter.