Forum Discussion

xSonnensturm's avatar
8 years ago

Pre Vizla/The Death Watch

Hey, I just thought about what would happen, if Pre Vizla or the Death Watch would be in this Game. The Death Watch is well known from Star Wars : The Clone wars. There are many Characters from Star Wars Rebels and The Clone Wars in GoH, and I think, it would be very interesting to see them in the Game. You saw them a few times in the Clone Wars, and it was always very exciting to see them fight together. They use many different skills to kill their enemy. For example a Flamethrower in the Armor, or a Jetpack to have a advantage. They also have granades or the Death Watch blaster ( I don't know how it is called). It is possible, to make a very interessting and powerfull character/s from the Death Watch. I think many people would like to have them in the Game, too. So please think about it and bring them/Pre Vizla in the Game.
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