Forum Discussion

fortune37395's avatar
6 years ago

Prestigious quest in geonosis territory battles

I have currently played Prestigious quest for Bounty Hunter 3.
I've tried battles in geonosis territory battles, it didn't count winning battles at all.
I thought IG-88 should be survived at the end. I finally finished the battle with IG-88 alive today, but it didn't work.
I've wasted 4 successful attempts.
I want to proceed my last qrestigious quest, so please make this is possible in geonoosis terrritory battles.

4 Replies

  • This is a known bug. The devs have already flagged it. No time frame on when they will get around to fixing it. This bug has been reported many times on reddit and in these forums.

    I have already suggested a fix for this bug that would stop people from reporting it. It won't help anybody doing GeoTBs however....

    Bounty Hunter Quest 3/7, Win 12 Battles with IG-88 in Territory Battles. Since this quest only works with the darks side Hoth territory battles, why haven't you "fixed" this bug by simply renaming the text to read "Win 12 Battles with IG-88 in Hoth dark side Territory Battles"? Renaming the text (in every language of course) would surely be simpler than fixing the code behind it.