Forum Discussion

TrySpinning's avatar
6 years ago

Prestigious Quest requirements

Some of these requirements are starting to really show their age, requiring people to either beg their guild to do now obsolete TB content, sacrificing people's GET 2's for their title (and it's not even the last step of the Fulcrum quest), or winning in squad arena with obsolete characters that'd require dropping back quite a ways before you can climb with those characters (Bossk, Qui Gon Jin)
I think these quests could use an update to revise those requirements to recognize that newer players may want to get those titles but understandably the meta has shifted and made those characters uncompetitive in squad arena and that many guilds no longer do Hoth TB. The wampa kill with bossk requirement may also be somewhat unreasonable if your guild does not do Hoth TB anymore. It'd take years to accomplish it with the Galactic Bounty alone, you never see it anywhere else if you exclusively run Geonosis.
  • I started the BH quest to get Greedo's payout 500 times last Saturday. I'm halfway through, playing GW and mod challenges manually. Slightly more fun than simming.