2 months ago
Proving grounds
I've heard ppl mention them, but what are they? I've been at level 85 for almost a year now and I'd expect to find it at some point, but I got nothing on it, so what and where is it?
I've heard ppl mention them, but what are they? I've been at level 85 for almost a year now and I'd expect to find it at some point, but I got nothing on it, so what and where is it?
It really depends of the team and the lead...
Some old teams seems to be interesting but aren't especially in the proving grounds such the team you confront.
I know you can find on reddit a post that list the team that works on this or that team
If you have slkr, you can beat most proving grounds events. Maybe not 3 star but easy wins.
Ok, thanks.
I run mainly dark side, sith and empire, so I hope I can do it.
Last time, i've completed easy path, and got proving ground. I think it's just a question of GP. But, just to be clear : Having it appeared don't mean you can do it.
I have actually almost 5M GP but i can't pass a single fight. My higher team is an inquisitor Team with GI lead, and they throw me like a garbage.
You have to build a really strong team. Seems that a team that works very well and is easy enough to build is CLS + Han + Chewi + Chew3PO + C3PO.
Ok, I'll try next round to finish easy lol I still haven't gotten past it.
But I've been in conquest for a while now and nothing happens.
I can't even find time to finish easy.....lmao
Typically the proving grounds opens just after Conquest cycle has finished. Just check the Events section when conquest is done.
I think normal is enough (cuz I’m at normal and I have proving grounds)
You also have to have 4million galactic power to unlock it