Forum Discussion

NotRealUltra's avatar
Seasoned Newcomer
12 months ago

[PSA] If you bought the Lightspeed Bundle

Restart the game to see the changes take effect in the Journey Guide
  • "TVF;c-2443331" wrote:
    "Cmacleod3;c-2443326" wrote:
    "ThuxKraç;c-2443144" wrote:
    Has anyone else noticed something like this?

    I swear my Bossk was R8 prior to buying one of the bundles. Now he's R5. I have no screen shots for proof unfortunately but if anyone else has had this problem then perhaps I'm not misremembering?

    From I have read it overrides what was there before so why get bundles that will set you back

    That's not what happens

    What changes then seeing I have some Char omga and zeta

    What would l lose
  • "TVF;c-2443337" wrote:

    So in other words say got starkliller and all my mj is closing in on g12 7* most of her ability are omega and zeta with good mods what us replaced or where is added
  • "IamBathman;c-2443577" wrote:
    please take your time to read and discuss if you disagree or have questions.

    Will there be a York Notes edition to accompany the post/s ?

  • When will the jabba event bug be fixed? People in my guild are still waiting. They have 11/12 gold discs collected and cannot do the ult ability.
  • "Jimster1;c-2442761" wrote:
    "babylonfallen3;c-2442704" wrote:
    How do I "earn raddus shards today"? I bought the pack and can't find where to get the raddus shards.

    That is a bit misleading it is a monthly event. Like a finalizer is there right now raddus will be there later. Unfortunately it's going to take awhile to get the ship but now you have what you need to get it.

    Looks like next week. 10/12

    Indeed. It would have been nice though if it had included everything necessary to unlock the ship when the event rolls round.