Forum Discussion

djlott's avatar
10 years ago

PVP Argh!!!! Suddenly losing every battle?!

Gosh darn, son of a gun, I'm flopping disgusted in PVP!

Now, hopefully you can all read between the lines. I have a lot of swear words that the forum won't let me use but I'm rather disgusted at PVP right now. At level 47 I seem to be just constantly losing. It's like a switch turned on overnight where I have no chance at winning despite choosing players at lower levels with lower power. Opposing teams seem to hit harder, have seemingly unlimited use of special attacks and my special attacks never seem to stick; e.g. My Lumi having 85% chance to inflict Ability Block with Force Blast. Yet somehow I end up in the 15% of it not working 90% of the time. I'm geared up to Level 6!

What happened? For a while, I couldn't break below top 50. Now two days later, I can't seem to get below 100. It's like every time I level up, everyone else in the planet does too? Yeah I know, lots of competition, everyone leveling up around me. But come on, I can't be the only one to notice the inconsistency in how suddenly the universe of players mysteriously levels up the minute I do!

I was battling in PvP one night at level 45 and facing players that were level 44 thru 48. Then I leveled up in the Cantina to level 46. When I returned to PvP minutes later, in the exact same position I was before (#117), somehow now all my competition was leveled up too. Everyone I faced was now different, and they were all level 46 thru 49 in the same positions I was battling for 5 minutes earlier. Wat?!? How is this PvP ladder structured?

8 Replies

  • when I was level 48-50 it seemed like I hit a wall of UNluck. Everybody was missing crits, getting resisted, opponent AoE seemed to hit harder... Just everything went south for me.

    Then somehow it seemed to even out, I dunno if it was a "thing" or I was just having bad luck.

    Funny thing is I was talking to a friend who mentioned the same thing, and now I see you going through a similar time.

    Dunno what the answer is, it seems to get better. It has for me anyways.
  • HahA. Just like I tell my kids...gear up and make your team stronger! Sorry thought this was funny and had a few to many beers! 1st post and probably last (usually read post for laughs, but this made me think of my kids)
  • Thanks for the comments folks. Honestly it's getting ridiculous. I have to consider whether I just suck now but honestly, I just lost again to a player a 2 levels down from me and with 1k less power. Somehow, their toons just kill me off one by one with huge crit values. I just don't get it. I've lost 7 or 8 battles today and won 2.

    Honestly makes it so I don't want to play anymore. I may just go back to HoDA where the battles are more predictable and you can see who you're facing. You don't have to worry about selecting a battle that someone has a level 4 First Order Pilot as leader, only to find twenty, 7* Jedi's with a Dooku that goes 8 times in a row with them.
  • Thanks for the tips folks. At the moment I'm F2P so that is obviously my handicap. Here are the toons I'm using (all level 48):

    Chewie, 4*
    Sidious 5*
    Talia 4*
    Jedi Cons 3*
    Cad Bane 3*
    Lumi 3*
    Teebo 2*
    Cap'n Phasma 3*
    Jawa 3*

    About 50% are at Level 6 gear and abilities are a mix of level 3 and 4. I'm mostly focused on starring up Sid and Talia right now and spending my energy on level 6 gear. Those 20 laptop thingies are a beach though! Also Farming Boba Fett shards.

    I also have the following toons that are low level, ungeared, etc.

    First order pilot
    Snow trooper
    Clone Sergeant P1
    Genosian Soldier
    Ewok Scout
    Royal Guard
    Resistance Trooper

    Am I just reaching too far as a F2P or do I have to consider the idea that I might just suck at the arena battles LOL? Thanks everyone for entertaining my rant thread.
  • Hey guys, I seem to have broken my losing streak. It was levels 40 thru 50 that were the hardest. Now my toons are lvl 54 and I'm over the Dooku hump.
  • "djlott;20625" wrote:
    Thanks for the comments folks. Honestly it's getting ridiculous. I have to consider whether I just suck now but honestly, I just lost again to a player a 2 levels down from me and with 1k less power. Somehow, their toons just kill me off one by one with huge crit values. I just don't get it. I've lost 7 or 8 battles today and won 2.

    Honestly makes it so I don't want to play anymore. I may just go back to HoDA where the battles are more predictable and you can see who you're facing. You don't have to worry about selecting a battle that someone has a level 4 First Order Pilot as leader, only to find twenty, 7* Jedi's with a Dooku that goes 8 times in a row with them.

    It seems like you don't have enough burst damage . Give yourself some weeks to fix this issue by investing in some high dps character
  • Also have to remember that other people are leveling up too. Some of them have deep pockets and pay to win. It's the nature of the game and unless you want to spend some cash to keep competitive there isn't much else you can do. Just enjoy the game and concentrate on building up the team you have and if you have the cash to spare, buy a character bundle whenever they are available. Those are some of the best characters in the game.
  • "djlott;20625" wrote:
    Thanks for the comments folks. Honestly it's getting ridiculous. I have to consider whether I just suck now but honestly, I just lost again to a player a 2 levels down from me and with 1k less power. Somehow, their toons just kill me off one by one with huge crit values. I just don't get it. I've lost 7 or 8 battles today and won 2.

    Honestly makes it so I don't want to play anymore. I may just go back to HoDA where the battles are more predictable and you can see who you're facing. You don't have to worry about selecting a battle that someone has a level 4 First Order Pilot as leader, only to find twenty, 7* Jedi's with a Dooku that goes 8 times in a row with them.

    Double check their power. I think I've seen this "trick" a few times where the leader is a slightly lower level than the team. EX: the leader is a 55 sid but the power is near or over 17,000. The power is inconsistent for a team of 55s but about right for a bunch of 57s.

    I think they're suckering you into what you thought was an easy fight by placing an under-leveled character in the leader position.