This Q&A... very demoralizing. At this point we have to assume that no new content is coming. Why? We were told a new raid first quarter of this year, right? Now we are told that raid was put on hold to work on something else, but no word on what that new something else is? Why weren't we told it was put on hold? A new raid is the only thing that has kept me holding out hope for the future of the game.
At this point, even if they said that this new something else was gonna be XYZ I won't believe it is actually coming until we see it. There has been nothing to do other than gear toons in forever. LSGeo is great and all if you are in a top end guild and have a stout roster. If you do not though, it sucks out loud and there is a very slow path to progress in it. Especially if you can't get decent stars and decent rewards. 13 stars gave us absolute crap this time around. I can only imagine what someone who got 6 stars received. How is that person supposed to progress quickly enough to not lose interest?
Kyros were a huge mistake, as were the entire GL lead up and release. I'm giving this game another month, and if there isn't something new to do I'm probably out. I'd rather not play anything than play a game where the devs obviously do not care one bit about the product they are putting out. We have NOTHING to be excited about right now in the game.
Also, stop with the art and sound junk. I wonder how many people actually play this game with sound. I most certainly do not, and never have.
TBH, I feel like I have been deceived by this raid news. It isn't a good feeling, and not one I will tolerate for long. Give me a reason to be excited again. Get involved with the community again; it used to be great having access to CG and seeing interaction with the player base.
We need a bone thrown to us, CG.