I have Chirrut (6* G10) and Baze (4* G10), and just managed to get Jyn this time (boy was it hard work). Is it worth me pursuing gearing her? My current Wiggs / Chaze / Shore arena team can only get me to around 50-60th in arena (April shard). Generally getting taken down by much faster teams, and B2 / TFP can shut down Chaze pretty quickly. StHan can also be a problem if hes fast and gives the opposition almost 2 turns before i've moved, if Baze fires back at him.
Thought I saw a video on here last Jyn tournament with just those 3 (Jyn/Chaze) beating top arena teams on their own. Or was that because she was 7*?
Also, why does Jyn have all this potency buff stuff? Which rebels would be able to take full advantage of it? Wedge does defense down, but after that i'm struggling. I thought potency was only used when applying a debuff or a tm reduction, or does it go further than that?