Quitting the game.
Why am I announcing it? Because CG need to know that this new update is the cause... I'm not a F2P player but enough is enough... This update is meant to be for F2P players but it seems more like they want to scalp you for every penny they can get... Maybe its designed to get F2P players paying? ...
I've been playing this game since 2018 and I hate to think how much I have actually spent on packs etc over the years. But after this update I'm done. Enough is enough.
Yet another game killed by greed.
P.S I hold no hate towards the devs. They are legit just doing what they are told to do. Yes they made the update but don't hate on them for doing so. It was not their decision. It's the higher ups that want to scalp you for more cash. The devs put hard work into the game so direct your frustrations to the higher ups - Not the devs themselves.