Forum Discussion

atlwitcher's avatar
9 years ago

RAID Exploit!

According to dev updates:
Players can no longer reset their Raid attempts by moving their device clock forward.

OK now we know why so many people are getting millions of damage.. this makes sense...
  • "negroman;452650" wrote:
    ROFL i mean i dont know what else to say. its 2016 and they werent using server time lmao. no wonder it takes these guys months to fix bugs. actually nevermind, bugs arent even fixed yet LUL

    Hahaha exactly, what? How did they let this happen?
  • Well nobody really knew about this, but there is a real hack out there and it depends only to the leader and officers to make something about it.
  • "LAWS_R4_COWARDS;452888" wrote:

    I disagree. Punished, maybe.

    These people made a willful decision and CHOSE to exploit this oversight (and in all likelihood, multiple times) in order to gain an unfair advantage over others in the raids. They cheated.

  • If this ain't cheating I don't know what is...
    To the guy saying that this ain't a cheat: WHAT ARE YOU SMOKING?
  • "CronozNL;455046" wrote:
    If this ain't cheating I don't know what is...
    To the guy saying that this ain't a cheat: WHAT ARE YOU SMOKING?

    its justification, they don't think its cheating if someone allows you to do it, they had poor parenting.. they were mislead.

    If they leave the back door open to a bank and you take the money its STILL stealing.. but some people don't think that way, they think if YOU allow it its your fault but that is completely FALSE.

    As a great scholar once said "locks are for honest people". If people want to take something they will.

    Of course its cheating just because the system allows it, doesn't make it less ethical.. some people will not see because its what THEY want, they justify their actions because they were never instructed otherwise.. they were allowed to do whatever they want.

    I think the word here is entitlement.