hi roken,
i had a new thread, because got bad rewards for a top5 result in haat. players buy crystals to refresh, refresh for more guild raid token and more raids.
but before they make a usefull update of the rewards (1000+ pieces... keyword daily challenges), they bring another new character...
i think we all new 5-10 gear materials, which we ALWAYS need.
but of course we should BUY them, it's clear. anything more is random, but random of 1000+ material is a shame. there are normal player, who don't have thousands of dollars to burn.
unfortunately they don't count. i am not everytime in the forum, but didn't read about a change.
if you place your thread wrong, be sure, within 10 minutes it is in the right undergroup.
but only some words, "ok, we will see, we take this ideas seriously", we want to make this game better FOR ALL, - nil returns.