Forum Discussion

Juzang17's avatar
8 years ago

Rare events

Can someone be so kind as to tell me the timetable (predicted or not) of when the R2D2 event will return? The only thing i remember about them amount of time between the first couple of Emporer Palpatine events is that there was more then enough time to 7 star all your toons. And when i started yoda was already a monthly thing.

8 Replies

  • I remember seeing something about December, but that may have been pure speculation. Either way, I wouldn't expect to see it for a few months.
  • To the best of my knowledge there has been no indication of when or why R2 events will return. One would assume that they will eventually enter into a rotation with Yoda and Palpatine, each one occuring every 3 months.
  • If I'm not mistaken it's 6 months for ultra rare events to return I thought.
  • First Palpatine event was end of August, second was end of December, so 4 months going by that.
  • As the R2 event was described as a "one time event" and "ultra rare" you'd imagine it would be atleast 6 months before any mention of it coming back is released