Forum Discussion

RevenantMADNESS's avatar
New Rookie
3 months ago

TW teams per zone

Trying to find a definitive answer here, as there's a lot of mixed info out and about on the broad internet, and I can't find a clear answer here either. How does TW determine how many teams per zone...
  • DarjeloSalas's avatar
    3 months ago

    There are 2 factors:

    • lower number of signed up members
    • A multiplier 

    the first of those is self explanatory. The second is trickier, and I no longer have the current information on the multiplier cutoffs.

    At a certain GP level (it used to be 360m GP, but I don’t know if this is still the threshold), guilds will need to set 1 team for every signed up member in each of the 10 zones. So if 45 of Guild A sign up, but only 43 of Guild B, and the signed up GP exceeds 360m for each guild, the map will need 43 teams per zone. 

    I know that there was a 0.8 multiplier at GP levels below the top, and I think there was a 0.6 multiplier too, but I’ve never been in a guild below the top level so I don’t know what the GP brackets were for those multipliers. 

    For illustrative purposes only, let’s say Guild A has 44 sign up against Guild B who have 48 sign up, with both guilds in the 0.8 multiplier GP range. Both guilds will need to set 0.8 x 44 = 35 (rounded) teams per zone. 

    If you are in a guild near the threshold between one multiplier and the next and have a big variation in how many members sign up, it is conceivable you’d have the 0.8 multiplier in one TW and then the 0.6 multiplier in the next, which may well be confusing.